The Thing of Being

Frustration is hereditary

And depression as well

Just a few moments

In the sun

Then endless

Landscapes of grey clouds

The sun sets and the night

Starless and windy

Sets in

Updated Mess

Contemplating suicide

But things are so messy

Down here

That I cannot even

Find my knives

But it did not matter

I am still alive

What to do

Just nothing

Just enjoy

The sea and the sun

That is it


Late in March the snow is still falling

Outside my window

And start all over again again

and again

I can not do it anymore…

This is it

I am so tired of myself

Chef Petrosa

Jaha klockan är åtta.! Välkomna till epidemikliniken i Koppartornet.

Glad högtid detta nådens år.

Uppståndelsens tid är här

Smittspridningen är som tidigare

Vi tycks befinna oss i stormens öga.

De flesta som insjuknar befinner sig utanför staden.

Sedan militären slog en järnring om Stockholm

Tycks allt ha blivit bättre

Då skall nattvakten få rapportera

Jaha [Ser sig släpigt omkring] inte här i alla fall

Kan docent Kastor möjligtvis se efter om professorn år på sitt rum

Ja men nu bad jag er


I have fear

Truly fear

And it will all pass

And still remain

While the sun circles the earth


Tired very tired

The snow

The empty void

Of a life that should

Have been there now

Still nothing is left

Only a fantasy and a vague memory

Fading in the afternoon


Love will end

The world and me


On the bottom

Of the ocean

Well hidden in gorges

There are life thriving there

Without the sun, only the volcanic heat

There is safety in the darkness

The Twisting Tail

the world turns on a word


I'm just another dreamer...

Mystic Land

let's mend the broken

The Alchemist's Studio

Raku pottery, vases, and gifts

Yolanda and her creative scream

Aspergers syndrome, bipolarity, photography, art, poetry.

Wild Like the Flowers

Rhymes and Reasons

How to be cool

Making People Cool

Undefined Comedy

Talking about comedy that is not worth talking about

Mind Patch

Healing minds, one patch at a time.

Los Angeles feedback film festival

A monthly event...


Get me the wings

Enjoying Life In New Ways


It is all about words. Your words are enough to shatter someone's heart. Your words are enough to make a broken heart unbroken. Words have the power to change your life perspectives.

Pee Kay


Integrated Social Studies

Because one subject isn't enough

Oxytocin and Other Stories

Infant Feeding. Breastfeeding. Parenting. Some rambling. Mostly fueled by caffeine.

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

Life in Copenhagen

Life in Copenhagen, Denmark, after moving during Covid-19.

I Think For All

A place for loud minds.....

Home Independence

​Your ​Guide For Work At Home Opportunities

The Mirage

Understanding Life with Art

How I Lost My Chains

I've Learned The Most Unlearning Everything I've Ever Known